More and more people are opting for the services of a detective who are looking for a solution to their problems. Our detective office is staffed by professionals who are empathetic and able to understand the needs of the client. If you also need help, don't wait and don't hesitate, just tell us your story and we promise to try to help.

Detective Agency Targowek

Our detective agency in its offer has a wide range of services. We do not close ourselves to only one aspect of life, but try to help many people with different problems. Our detectives very often deal with documentation of betrayals, crimes or finding missing persons and property. Targowek is a district of Warsaw from which we have a lot of orders for detective services.

Individual approach to the client - an important aspect of detective work

Our detectives realize that people who come to us are often in a bad emotional and mental state. They know that they need to be treated properly and listen to their problems and then help solve them. Many business owners are heartbroken because it turns out that one of their employees has taken out important data of their company and wants to or has already given it to a competitor. Our job is to find the perpetrator of this incident and, if necessary, hand him over to the police. Our detective office, which offers its services, does not have a predetermined price list. We approach each order individually and use other means that are acutely appropriate. At each stage our client is informed about the progress of the work and the amount of costs.

Warmix cooperates with the police

Our detectives have repeatedly cooperated with the Police in cases of very heavy cases, conducting parallel investigations, which very often helped to solve the case. The exchange of information allows us to find the perpetrator of a crime or a missing person more quickly and efficiently. As detectives, we have less authority than the Police, so their help in some cases has made us able to solve the case. Assistance in matters of contact with the Police is an important part of our work. We try to help our clients approach many cases with calm and composure to avoid unpleasant surprises.

Solve your problems - choose Warmix

A sense of security is one of the elements of Maslow's pyramid that is very important and should be satisfied. If you need help finding your peace of mind and security because you think someone is following you or you are being betrayed, then contact our detectives who will restore your peace of mind.

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ul. Wincentego Rzymowskiego 47
02-697 Warszawa

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