Our detective bureau offers a wide range of services that can help you regain peace of mind and security for yourself, your loved ones or your company. We approach each order individually, as seemingly similar cases can end quite differently.
Do you run a business in Wawer or other districts? Do you need help with security? A private detective is the perfect solution for you
Our detective agency provides services for both individuals and companies. In the Warsaw-Wawer district we most often receive orders from companies that want to obtain personal information about their employees and contractors. Hiring a private detective for this purpose is an excellent solution that can protect your company from doing business with a person who has bad intentions towards you or is actually working for a competitor and wants to obtain important data.
Research the history of a contractor - check it before you sign a contract
If you want to start cooperation with a new company, but you are not sure if the company in question is really reliable and will not harm your business, then investigating the history of the contractor 's company outsourced to a professional detective agency, which operates in Wawer, among other places, is a great solution. You will gain peace of mind and get information that will show whether cooperation with a particular company makes sense and will benefit you.
Verification of a contractor's financial condition should be done before entering into large contracts that can bring you significant profits. Often people present their company, at its best great, but forget to mention that it is on the verge of bankruptcy, and you are supposed to be their chance to get out of the hole. However, would you want to work with such a company? We think not, and through our work you can find out if a company has good intentions towards you.
Do you suspect infidelity? Child abuse? Don't wait just start acting
Is your partner or partner coming home later and later or not coming home at all at night? Does he or she often have business trips? This is the first sign that he or she may be cheating on you. It's hard to tell by taking action on your own. A better solution is to hire a private detective who will do the documentation of the infidelity for you, if it happened, and if not then you will have peace of mind. We operate in various districts of Warsaw including Wawer.
You have divorced and the child has been left in the care of the other parent, but it seems to you that there is no proper care, if you do not have enough evidence for this, then it is worth considering hiring a professional detective who will check whether proper child care is provided. This is very important, because at this age many habits and customs are formed in our kids. Besides, no one can be indifferent to the harm to children. Do not wait and take action today, before it is too late, write to us and arrange an interview with our detectives.