Our team consists of licensed private investigators, for whom reliability and professionalism are important. We offer a wide range of services, designed especially for business entities and institutions. These services provide excellent support for business, and the activities undertaken within the framework of these services help to effectively solve a variety of problems, such as those related to debt collection, disloyal employees or unfair competition. Thanks to the acquired knowledge and many years of experience, we are characterized by high efficiency.

As detectives, we are not only able to obtain a variety of factual materials, which in many cases are of key importance during criminal proceedings, but also effectively resolve conflicts. With our knowledge of psychology and mediation skills, we help bring about an agreement between the various parties to the conflict. The goal of our mediation efforts is to develop a compromise that is satisfactory to the parties in disagreement. Taking on the role of mediators, we take care to maintain complete impartiality towards the mediation participants.

All the actions we take to reach an agreement between the conflicting parties are confidential, and the mediation itself is carried out voluntarily with the consent of the participants. Mediation activities are informal in nature and take place outside of court, so there is no need to make the case public in court. Central to the entire process is the achievement of consensus, which is only possible when both parties to the conflict state that the proposed solution is beneficial to them.

Our mediation activities can take place in the field of criminal law, business law. Civil law, labor law. Having a mediation can work well in a variety of situations, from resolving conflicts of a purely professional nature to cases that involve private life. For this reason, our services are used not only by companies and corporations, but also by individuals who want to resolve family matters through us. In this case, mediation activities are most often related to divorce cases, and their conduct helps to come to an agreement on the issue of custody of a minor child. Thanks to the mediation conducted by the detective, parents can calmly work out a compromise that will be satisfactory to both parties and at the same time keep in mind the welfare of the child.

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