Do you think your loved one is cheating or cheating on you? Don't know what to do because he assures you that all is well? It's time to find out the truth by using the services of a detective bureau.
Warmix - detective office that solves mysteries in Ursus
The headquarters of our company is located in Warsaw, but we receive orders from various places in our country, as well as countries of the European Union and Eastern Europe. Our activities often require traveling abroad to obtain information. Our offer includes, among other things, a variograph examination, which can help both individuals and business owners. Thanks to it, they can get information about infidelity, a partner's past or detect an employee who is addicted to alcohol or psychoactive drugs. We work with the highest quality equipment, and the tests are performed by specialists.
The best detective agency Ursus
We have already been trusted by many people in difficult life situations, who have often returned to commission us for further assignments. These people know that we approach our work professionally and with full commitment. We check every lead so that nothing can surprise you. We are always available to help you with both issues related to detective services and legal assistance. We cooperate with one of the best Law Offices, which has won many difficult cases.
You need training in Ursus - Warmix has it on offer
Our detective agency is also engaged in the performance of training courses that are rich in knowledge. We can provide training for you in the field of:
- O.C. (civil defense training);
- P.Fire;
- Countering criminal attacks;
- Counteringterrorist attacks;
- Development of O.C. defense plans.
Many companies, have trusted us and commissioned training for their employees. We try to approach training in such a way that the trainees bring a wealth of theoretical knowledge, but are also able to apply it in practice. Often, knowledge of a subject alone is not enough if you can't use it properly, which is why our employees place a lot of emphasis on practice.
Do you need security in Ursus district? Contact us
We provide security services for people and property in Ursus and throughout the country. We provide protection for mass events, parking lots, large shopping complexes or facilities of public institutions. We provide comfort and security every day, write to us to learn more, we welcome you.